The interactive CD ROM has been developed to complement the ICT4U stage 4 workbook. The CD contains the entire workbook with links to every new skill, a second menu of all new skills demonstrated in order learnt and in groups of skills, a full glossary of terms and 10 interactive multiple choice tests.

The CD Rom has 4 main sections:

  • Exercises as displayed throughout the workbook. This is the main area where you will work as the demonstrations and solutions are accessed through this menu. Each solution demonstrates the complete solution of the task, one step at a time. There is a playback control that allows the user to fast forward, rewind, pause and exit.
  • Demonstrations where every new skill is listed in the order they appear in each exercise and in groups of skills. This is used to review a skill already developed. If in the completion of an exercise there needs to be a review of a previously demonstrated skill then that skill is accessed through this menu.
  • Glossary where every term is listed alphabetically. Many of the definitions have diagrams demonstrating the term. There are links to other associated terms.
  • Assessment where there are 10 multiple choice tests containing a variety of questions. These are automatically marked as each question is answered and a review pane displays your score. The pass mark is 50%.


It is strongly recommended that the workbook is completed step by step completing each exercise in the order given, writing answers in the appropriate places and pasting in the final printout of each spreadsheet. When starting a new exercise it is recommended that all demonstrations are viewed first, and then the exercise is completed with demonstrations reviewed if necessary. If a skill from a previous exercise needs to be reviewed then access that skill from the demonstrations menu. It is recommended that you use the method indicated in the text to complete each section as specific skills are targeted and developed, and that no exercises are omitted as great care has been taken in the sequencing to ensure that all spreadsheet skills are learnt.